A Journey Into European Puppetry

2005 Journey into European Puppetry #7


Preparing the ‘stage’ by putting the puppet in water at a Buchty a Loutky show in Prague.

How did GRAVITY FROM ABOVE begin? Read about the original journey that started it all back in 2005. Here’s the seventh part. One more to come. (These originally appeared on my other site, The Anadromous Life.)

Meanwhile Prague was calling. I had been traveling for a couple of months through Europe, visiting friends and hunting down puppet theatres in Europe. The entire time I had essentially been making a Fibonacci spiral towards Prague, the heart of puppetry in Europe. Švankmajer, Skupa, Trnka, Faust, Don Giovanni, Kašpárek, puppetry as history complete with heroic martyrs.

via Journey into European Puppetry #7 | The Anadromous Life

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