A Journey Into European Puppetry

A Lecture on European Puppetry

(With a Detour into Alaska)

The Feet of Puppets

Looking up at the hanging puppets at the Toone Marionette Theatre in Brussels.

I recently edited together the lecture with slides which I gave while traveling through Europe in 2012 interviewing puppet people. The lecture was entitled Puppetry As Antidote Art. It was given to the students at the L’Abri Fellowship in Huémoz Switzerland.

This lecture is an in depth introduction to serious puppetry focusing mostly on Europe. It is both a general survey of puppet history and styles in Europe and it is also gives an account of my personal journey into puppetry. The discoveries described in the lecture under-gird the structure of Gravity From Above.

Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to include the students questions with the video. The presentation itself lasted nearly an hour and a half. Obviously it contains great quantities of information on the subject of puppetry and is not suited to the casual YouTube surfer. My suggestion, download it and watch it in the best available format. (And by the way it is my experience that you can download it easier by going to the actual YouTube page rather than viewing it here.)

If you have any questions about puppetry or the forthcoming documentary Gravity From Above please get in touch here or through the YouTube page. (I hope to know something from Switzerland by the end of April this year.) (I still need more support for the documentary so don’t feel shy about that either.)

Meanwhile stay warm and stay creative…

Byrne Power

Haines, Alaska


2 responses

  1. Dennis Bartok

    Hi Byrne — Fascinated to hear about your work-in-progress documentary and would like to hear more. I’m V.P. of Acquisitions & Distribution for a new theatrical/VOD/Blu-Ray/TV distribution company called Cinelicious Pics in Los Angeles; I’m also a great fan of animator/puppeteers in the vein of Svankmajer, Karel Zeman, Bros. Quay etc. If you want to get in touch about your film, you can reach me at (contact information)
    Dennis Bartok
    Executive V.P. of Acquisitions & Distribution

    January 31, 2014 at 1:57 PM

  2. Pingback: A Brief History Of Puppetry | GRAVITY FROM ABOVE

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